Kamis, 31 Juli 2014


Jangan gunakan akun FB utama, kalau mau menggunakannya juga persiapkan atau daftarkan nomor handphone, jika sewaktu-waktu diblokir bisa dibuka kembali dengan konfirmasi nomor handphone.

klik kanan dan pilih as administrator

pilih ID yang ada di FOLDER

selanjutnya silahkan "kotak - katik" sendiri softwarenya.

Kelemahan dari software commision king adalah
harus membuat sendiri format url groups jika kita ingin mengirim posting ke groups. kalau cuman 10 tidak jadi masalah, bagaimana 700 sampai 1000 groups.
belum lagi jika posting fan page.

memang FGD tiada duanya....................

SALES PAGEnya tidak ada



The ultimate city directory WordPress theme GeoPlaces is the most popular city directory theme for WordPress available today. It provides all the tools necessary to run a modern directory website. Full places and events support, built-in monetizaton and Google Maps support are just some of the features available in this advanced directory theme.




2 billion exposed industri

Early Bird Price $4.95…
Price Goes Up With Every Sale HURRY!

"How Would You Like To Learn The Secrets Of A 2 Billion Dollars PLUS Industry and master the ins and outs of Youtube & ClickBankmarketing, today?"

Dear Warrior,

Are you tired of not making money?

Are you struggling and not seeing results?

Sick of zero dollar days?

Well I might have something for you…

I Can Help You...

You see I have tried and tested 100s of strategies to succeed with Clickbank and Youtube…

But, I have finally broken a way through the
"No Money" Barrier…

Here's what I have for you:

I designed a course for you
that gives you
step by step instructions…

Tells you exactly what to do…

Also, exactly how to do it.

You will learn:

 How to choose a highly profitable product - proven to convert…
 How to drive white hot
targeted traffic to your product
that converts into cold hard cash
 How to choose profitable keywords which send a ton of
money-getting traffic
 How to create and shoot a dollar getting video script,
edit, record and upload it…

Plus I include a step-by-step
method to create the newYoutube channel header in an easy and
simple way...
tons more…

If you are serious about making money online with ClickBank and Youtube, then this is for you…

PLUS, To make you feel more confident,
I stand behind my products

To lock in your earlybird price
of only $4.95,
click the "Buy Now" button now!

Remember, the price goes up with each purchase.

So what are you waiting for?

$4.95 is LESS than folks are paying for a cup of Starbucks coffee!

I'll see you on the inside…

Thanks for reading,

George (dogstar)

P.S. Remember the price increases with every sale

P.S.S. I reserve the right to remove this WSO at any time…

P.P. S. S. You are getting a complete, brand new, step-by-step instruction manual that will get you started on the road to making money with ClickBank and Youtube…

Here are some pre-launch reviews:

"Dogstar has put together a really nice guide for YouTube marketing. It's straight forward and to the point, no fluff here! Screenshots guide you every step of the way which make this really easy to follow. He has taken the very daunting and complicated tasks of creating videos, uploading them to YouTube and optimizing them for searchers and made it seem very simple and uncomplicated. If you're looking for a step-by-step guide for affiliate marketing using YouTube, this is it! I highly recommend it for everyone. In fact, I've neglected YouTube for far too long. After reading this guide I'm pretty excited to start creating some videos of my own!"
Mike F.

"George was generous enough to provide me with a review copy of his latest product Video Cash Roadmap. Well, put aside a couple of hours (and numerous coffees) to devour this 50 page PDF how to guide on leveraging video in building your affiliate business.

George has crystallized the major steps you need, from selecting a Clickbank product, to creating a low cost video and even how to drive traffic to your money site via YouTube. I especially liked the sections on how to use free software to create your video content and set up your YouTube channel layout..
This is a primer on an underutilized strategy that affiliate marketers should add to their toolbox, grab your copy now!"


"First I want to state that I was one of the lucky ones to receive a review copy of George Kase's 
"Video Cash Roadmap" 

I have been an affiliate marketer for some time now and the Video Cash Roadmap is definitely a refreshing new approach to affiliate marketing. 

George takes you by the hand and explains every step of the process he is using and I have to admit I can't wait to try it out myself. I believe it will increase my cash flow several times over."
Gail R.

"George gives a very detailed step by step technique to rank on youtube
videos. Infact he also shows an example as to how easy it is to get
started right from doing niche research to creating the video to getting
ranked that it shouldn't take you more than an hour to create these
videos.In fact his video hit first page of google in an hour and a half's
Now if you follow George's system and create 3 videos a day, imagine how
much money could you make."



Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - THE GIRL WHO SILENCED THE WORLD FOR 5 MINUTESPidato menakjuban anak 12 tahun di ruang sidang PBB. Cerita ini berbicara mengenai seorang anak yg bernama Severn Suzuki, seorang anak yg pada usia 9 tahun telah mendirikan Enviromental Children's Organization (ECO). ECO sendiri adalah sebuah kelompok kecil anak yg mendedikasikan diri untuk belajar dan mengajarkan pada anak" lain mengenai masalah lingkungan. Dan mereka pun diundang menghadiri Konfrensi Lingkungan hidup PBB, dimana pada saat itu Severn yg berusia 12 Tahun memberikan sebuah pidato kuat yg memberikan pengaruh besar (dan membungkam) beberapa pemimpin dunia terkemuka. Apa yg disampaikan oleh seorang anak kecil berusia 12 tahun hingga bisa membuat RUANG SIDANG PBB hening, lalu saat pidatonya selesai ruang sidang penuh dengan orang terkemuka yg berdiri dan memberikan tepuk tangan yg meriah kepada anak berusia 12 tahun? Inilah Isi pidato tersebut: Halo, nama Saya Severn Suzuki, berbicara mewakili E.C.O - Enviromental Children Organization Kami adalah kelompok dari Kanada yg terdiri dari anak-anak berusia 12 dan 13 tahun, yang mencoba membuat perbedaan: Vanessa Suttie, Morga, Geister, Michelle Quiq dan saya sendiri. Kami menggalang dana untuk bisa datang kesini sejauh 6000 mil untuk memberitahukan pada anda sekalian orang dewasa bahwa anda harus mengubah cara anda, hari ini di sini juga. Saya tidak memiliki agenda tersembunyi. Saya menginginkan masa depan bagi diri saya saja. Kehilangan masa depan tidaklah sama seperti kalah dalam pemilihan umum atau rugi dal....
... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

Cara mengahsilkan 100$ per hari dari searching BING

Register di

Setelah register ke web :

Cara kerja :

Configuring your browser to use Bing Pong's "Perform dashboard tasks" feature (Note: This is also how you set up Bing Pong to use multiple accounts)

ONE MAJOR CAVEAT: Browser compatibility is limited!

This option requires disabling a security feature in your browser that prevents Bing Pong from fetching the contents of your Bing Rewards dashboard. At this time, the only browser where this security feature can be disabled to my knowledge is Google Chrome. This is not to say a workaround does not exist for any other browser. I just do not know of a way to work around this in other browsers that will allow this option to work properly. I will update this page if I obtain more information. Also, I will update this guide as questions come in via e-mail. 


If you are having problems applying these instructions, feel free to contact me.
Chrome needs to be ran with the --disable-web-security flag.
There are several ways you can do this, but I recommend doing the following:

1. Create a shortcut
Right-click on the Google Chrome icon and click on Create shortcut.

2. Add the "--disable-web-security" flag to the shortcut
Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, click on Properties, and then add --disable-web-security to the end of the Target field.
Leave a space between --disable-web-security and whatever is already in the Target field.
Press OK to save the changes.
(NOTE: Add --disable-web-security AFTER the quotes, not before!)

3. Kill all open "chrome.exe" processes 
Open the Task Manager (via Ctrl+Alt+Del), go to Processes, and then kill all chrome.exe processes by clicking on each and clicking End Process. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya :



Page Rank 7

http://www.connectusers.com/forums/cucbb (Use BBC code in "About Me")
http://www. forums.winamp.com
http://www.myhosting.com/forums (Use HTML on "Visitor Messages" on profile) http://www.community.invisionpower.com
http://www.codechef.com http://www.livestrong.com (Start blog)
http://www.codeproject.com (Click "My Settings" then "About You")
http://www.sportingnews.com (Use BBC code in "SportingBlog")
http://open.salon.com www.maths.tcd.ie/~ellmang/canoebb/index.php
http://www.tumblr.com (Click "Link")
http://www.gather.com (Click "Share" then "Posts")
http://www.folkd.com (Click "Add a new link")
http://multiply.com (Click "Post")
http://myweb.yahoo.com (Click "Add")
http://www.zillow.com (Click "My Zillow" then "About YOURUSERNAME Edit")
http://www.dopplr.com (Click "Add a trip" then enter HTML in "Add a note")

Page Rank 8

http://www.zotero.org (Type your keyword in "CV")
http://dev.netvibes.com/forum (Click "Forum")
http://apps.exploratorium.edu/cgi-bin/yabb2- cooking/YaBB.pl
http://phpnuke.org (Click "Your Account")
http://www.the-scientist.com (Click "Community" then "My Profile")
http://www.blinklist.com (Click "+add")
http://www.librarything.com (Place HTML comment on profile)

Page Rank 9

http://my.msn.com (Favorites box to "Menu" then "Change Details")
http://www.excite.com (Click "My Bookmarks Edit" on profile)

Page Rank 10

http://www.google.com (Google “Google Profiles” and edit your account)

Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Facebook ban domain checker

This script checks out whether your domain is banned from Facebook.

function curl_get($url){
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    if ($error = curl_error($ch)) {
        return $error;
    return trim($result);
function domainchecker($domain){
    if (strpos(curl_get("http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q={$domain}"),"Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped") > 0 ) {
        $message = "<a href=\"http://{$domain}\">http://{$domain}</a> has been banned!";
        $message = "<a href=\"http://{$domain}\">http://{$domain}</a> is not banned!";
    return $message;
    if(isset($_GET['domain']) && $_GET['domain']!=null){
        if(filter_var(gethostbyname($_GET['domain']), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
            echo domainchecker($_GET['domain']);
            echo "Invalid Domain";
echo '<form action="" method="get">
<input type="text" value="" name="domain" />
<input type="submit" value="Check" name="check" />
<p>example: domain.com</p>' ;

Senin, 21 Juli 2014


Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan kata keluar tentang produk yang Anda tawarkan secara gratis dan membawa lebih banyak lalu lintas ke situs Anda Hanya mengisi formulir dengan pesan Anda untuk dibagikan URL posting Anda dan link langsung file Anda dan Anda sudah selesai


Membuat Konten Email Anti Masuk Spam Gmail Yahoo Hotmail

Bagaimana cara membuat konten email yang efektif dan anti masuk spam Gmail, Yahoo dan Hotmail? Berikut ini adalah daftar tips yang mungkin anda perlukan ketika nanti anda akan mengirim email dalam bentuk penawaran atau email harian untuk kebutuhan pekerjaan dan lain sebagainya.

Tips Membuat Konten Email Anti Masuk Spam

Berikut ini adalah hal yang harus anda perhatikan ketika membuat pesan email, antara lain :

1. Perhatikan Subject Email

Jika anda mengirimkan email jangan gunakan kata-kata seperti “Buy” atau “Beli” atau “Promosi” atau kata-kata sejenis yang umum ditandai sebagai email spam selain itu jangan gunakan HURUF KAPITAL karena sudah umum bahwa subject kata dengan huruf kapital menandakan ketidaksopanan dan yang pasti akan masuk spam

2. Phrase Kata Spam di Email

Jangan gunakan kata-kata yang sudah seringkali diblokir spam filter diantaranya seperti kata-kata “making money, uang gratis, viagra, porn, sex” dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut maka rate pesan akan lebih tinggi akan masuk spam

3. Gambar di pesan email

Jangan mengirim email yang hanya berisikan gambar saja, misalnya meskipun email tersebut masuk inbox tapi kebanyakan webmail atau email client tidak menampilkan langsung gambar tersebut selain itu kebanyakan orang juga malas membuka email yang berisikan gambar saja.

4. Attachment di email

Pastikan attachment file sudah anda scan dan tidak mengandung virus kemudian ukuran file attachment buatlah sekecil mungkin sehingga tidak menyusahkan penerima email untuk membuka attachment tersebut.

Alternatif lain pada attachment anda bisa mengupload file ke server hosting anda untuk selanjutnya anda tinggal mengirimkan link downloadnya saja ke penerima email dengan begitu akan lebih cepat proses pengiriman emailnya.

5. Penggunaan Link di Email

Hati-hati dalam menggunakan link pada pesan email anda karena salah menggunakan link dapat juga menaikkan scoring spam pesan email anda. Jangan gunakan link bersifat anchor link dengan menggunakan kata-kata seperti “click here” gunakan link tanpa anchor mungkin lebih baik dan akan lebih mudah dibaca berbagai email client baik itu email client yang hanya menampilkan text base atau html.

Mungkin anda juga perlu tahu mengapa email masuk spam yang sempat kita ulas pembahasannya pada artikel ini

Referensi :



Kalau saya tambahkan dan artikan dari software email marketing sendiri ada beberapa ketentuan jika email saudara tidak masuk ke dalam spam :

Tulis di email anda :
"Kepada Yth 
Saudara di tempaat

Berikan tanggal pengiriman seperti :

"Tanggal 28/03/2013"

Gunakan judul email dengan kata sebagai berikut :

 Info, Share,Pengumuman,Pemberitahuan,Informasi.....

Untuk karakter minimal 5000 karakter.

Inilah 4 macam yang ada di software email marketing agar email massal saudara tidak masuk ke spam di tambah dengan keterangan diatas.
Kalau begitu enggak ada keraguan untuk mengirim email massal.

Apakah saudara ingin menghasilkan uang dari blog setiap jamnya?baca tutorial di bawah ini

Blog Hatter Pro V3.0

Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Master 2010 can be semi-autoblog software package manufactured by Alan Magliocca as well as Donato Spagnolo. This kind of software package will certainly lawfully take targeted traffic by Tumblr as well as Wordpress as well as drive which targeted traffic as a result of your site which in turn creates a new targeted traffic launch without having set-up no price. As well as, this could be accomplished and never have to create content material in your weblog daily -- the truth is you will definately get in excess of 6000 PLR content definitely totally free only to allow you to get started out.

Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Comprehensive Overview

Having Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Master 2010 it will be easy to produce good quality semi-auto sites within a few minutes and never have to resorrt to help any "black hat" strategies. As well as, these kinds of sites can certainly comprise pictures, video clips, as well as good quality content material by using personal label suitable (PLR) content. It will be easy to make use of that software package to produce sites in the most popular systems, such as Tumblr or even Wordpress. The tools added to Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Master 2010 will certainly assist you to transfer PLR content, transfer pictures by Google as well as Flickr, as well as transfer movie by Metacafe. To make a straight even bigger impression you should use the actual inserted translation energy that'll assist you to develop sites within other 'languages' -- that may throw open a complete brand new market!

Have you been focused on your articles? Properly, with the word and phrase replacements as well as alternative device it will be easy to help "rewrite" content so they really appear to be unique duplicate. An additional wonderful feature can be you could schedule your articles to create once you like; picture, you produce your content material in one afternoon and it also routinely posts through the entire few days. As well as, this could be accomplished also if you don't have any net, style, or even copywriting encounter. This kind of software package seemingly "plug as well as play" then it will be ready to go pretty much right away as well as as it functions routinely you will possess time and energy to spend on other areas of websites.

You can attempt Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Master 2010 intended for 1 week intended for solely $4. ninety five. In case following the 1 week you decide to maintain software package you can be invoiced one more one-time $62. 05. In addition to the 7 evening test you will probably obtain a 100% 60-day money back refund furthermore you will probably acquire a lot of bonus deals. For instance , -- Traffic Strategies They Didn't remember To share with Anyone e-book, Weblog Website link Creator software package, Weblog Tracker software package, as well as 15, 000 more PLR content to create on your sites.
Be aware: Should you be in IM Statement Cards mainly because you are considering a method to generate income, then you certainly should take a look at your prime suggestion. Oahu is the best method we've located which everyone may use to help earn passive income on the web. Simply click here to find out more!

Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Reputation

Running a blog can be the best way to generate income in case you have any time to maintain content material about the sites, particularly since you have to have a lot of sites in several different markets to essentially see a few profits. Developing content material as well as advertising and marketing your sites may take more of their time than you might have everyday. Blog Hatter Pro V3.0 Master 2010 covers this article part with a bit work on your aspect which means you could have time and energy to get targeted traffic to help individuals sites. It's going to be worth testing out for your 7-day test and choosing if the idea a thing you intend to work with.
sales page : http://bloghatter.com/ 

Sebelum meng-install baca dulu cara installnya.

Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

5 menit sehari sama dengan 300 pengunjung berkualitas setiap hari

300 unique visitors/day from blog commenting?

In this report I want to discuss about blog commenting. And how just ONE simple comment once drove me over 50 laser targered visitors to my personal blog. 

90% of marketers approach this strategy wrong. They go and post short, spammy comments on random blogs all day long and wondering why it's working for them? What I'm going to reveal you below will totally change the way you do blog commenting for traffic. 

And the most important thing is that it really WORKS! Ready? The secret of getting traffic by leaving comments on high trafficed blogs is not about the quantity. 

It's about one very crucial thing: BEING FIRST! What I mean by that? See, most comments are sorted from old to new (from top to bottom). When you are commenting first, your comment will appear at the top, just below the original article. All other comments will go below yours. Which means those who read the post are most likely to notice and read your comment. Check out the picture on the next page to see what I mean.

Now let me ask you this: When you find an article with over 100 comments, do you always read all those 100 comments? Probably not, but how about the first one? Gotcha! :-) Now when we know how to get the most attention from those blog readers, let's discuss about the content of your comment. 

Content of your comment Your comment should be: - high quality - valuable - incomplete (very important!) What I mean by incomplete? In order to get clicks to your blog, you don't want to reveal everything in your comment right away. Let's say that the blog post is about making money with adsense. 

So, somewhere at the bottom of my comment I would say something like: 

"I'm using very similar method and it's a great way to earn money with adsense. Except I put my own sneaky twist on it. Now it works on complete autopilot and makes way more money. 

I have a whole article on this {insert_your_website_URL}." 

See what I did? I know it's very specific. But that's just an example. Think outside the box and make things curious. This is what will get you maximum results with blog commenting. To find blogs you can either watch your favorite niche blogs closely or use Google Alerts which notifies you about the newest blog posts in your niche. 

Daftar gratis secara otomatis ke 50 penyedia alamat email seluruh dunia

Saya baru tahu bahwa di dunia internet ternyata ada 50 website penyedia akun email. dan yang paling terkenal hanya dua yaitu gmail.com dan yahoo.com atau belum familiar bagi saya untuk menggunakan semua penyedia alamat email. mungkin saja ada beberapa diantaranya mempunyai kelebihan. bagi yang ingin berpetualang dan menambah ilmu internet tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba.

Jadi ke 50 website penyedia alamat email diletakkan di dalam satu software. dan hebatnya lagi kita daftar tidak usah menggunakan nama kita sendiri. kita boleh mendaftar dengan menggunakan IP negara-negara lain. dan hebatnya lagi IP ini sudah tersedia di dalam softwarenya. saya coba baru satu alamat gmail dengan IP argentina.

Mbah google memang benar-benar "mbah" semakin di ubek-ubek semakin banyak ketemu yang "canggih" software.

Pas buka alamat websitenya, bahasanya.......kagak ngerti, tidak tahu bahasa apa yang di gunakan. coba-coba klik akirnya ke download juga softwarenya.

ini alamatnya : http://ygoow.com/Download.html

Coba agan perhatiin bahasanya,bahasa apa ya?
Yang dilingkari untuk download softwarenya dalam bentuk winrar sedangkan lingkaran biru sebelum menginstall software harus ada di komputer/laptop NET FRAMEWORK V. 3.5.

Kalau udah dari awal bahasa webnya begini pasti softwarenya juga. tapi tidak apa2 kita coba saja. saya coba ubek-ubek softwarenya.

Setelah download, langsung aja di extrac yang Ygoow. terserah di extrac di dokument atau dekstop. kalau saya pilih dekstop karena lebih gampang nyarinya.
Buka dengan klik kanan software dan klik RUN ADMINISTRATORE untuk pengguna windows 7.

Gambar panah diatas untuk merubah bahasa ke english.

Gambar panah merah di atas untuk memilih bahasa

Gambar panah merah ke ACCOUNT CREATOR untuk membuka kotak baru tempan daftar otomatis ke 50 penyedia alamat email.

Gambar yang di lingkari nama-nama penyedia website alamat email.

Download gratis Microsoft Frontpage dan serial number

Some of the features in the last version of FrontPage include:
  • FrontPage 2003 consists of a Split View option to allow the user to code in Code View and preview in Design View without the hassle of switching from the Design and Code View tabs for each review.
  • Dynamic Web Templates (DWT) were included for the first time in FrontPage 2003 allowing users to create a single template that could be used across multiple pages and even the whole Web site.
  • Interactive Buttons give users a new easy way to create Web graphics for navigation and links, eliminating the need for a complicated image-editing package such as Adobe photoshop
  • The accessibility checker gives the user the ability to check if their code is standards-compliant and that their Web site is easily accessible for people with disabilities. An HTML optimizer is included to aid in optimizing code to make it legible and quicker to process.
  •  which is a form of autocompletetion, is a key feature in FrontPage 2003 that assists the user while typing in Code View. When working in Code View, Intellisense will suggest tags and/or properties for the code that the user is entering which significantly reduces the time to write code. The Quick Tag Editor shows the user the tag they are currently in when editing in Design View. This also includes the option to edit the specific tag/property from within the Tag Editor.
  • Code Snippets give users the advantage of creating snippets of their commonly used pieces of code allowing them to store it for easy access whenever it is next needed.
  • FrontPage 2003 includes support for programming in ASP.NET a Server side , scriprting language that adds interactivity to Web sites and Web pages.
  • FrontPage 2003 includes support for macros in VBA.
Download Microsoft frontpage

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Tenang saja,benar-benar gratis. setelah daftar lalu login dengan username dan password saudara,lalu ke download area.

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Ebook panduan Forex Success System versi 2

Apa itu FSS(Forex Succes System) ? FSS adalah Suatu Sistem memprediksi pergerakan harga Forex, Index (seperti HangSeng, Nikkei, Kospi, Dow Jones, ShangHai, FTSE dsb) dan Comodity (Emas, Minyak,Kopi dsb) dengan keakuratan hampir 100%.

FSS sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah File, File yang dibuat oleh seorang Programer, tentunya programer yang juga mengerti Ilmu Forex. FSS terdiri dari 2 buah file, yang mana kedua file ini akan digabungkan dengan software Trading kita, seperti Meta Trader. Kedua file tersebut yaitu: 1. BBANDS~1.mq4 (File Indicator) 2. ForexSuccesSystem.tpl (File Template) Coba Anda lihat Grafik Forex di bawah ini !

Gambar diatas hanyalah Grafik Polos yang Tanpa bantuan Petunjuk apa-apa.

Lalu bagaimana cara kita mempredikasikan harga Forex selanjutnya…?

Maka grafik diatas akan terlihat mem-BT-kan.
Petunjuk yang dimaksud adalah Indicator-indicator seperti yang sering Anda gunakan, seperi MA, MACD, Parabolic Sar, Bolinger Bands, ADX, Stochastic Oscilator dan masih

banyak lagi. Indicator dapat dimunculkan dengan meng-klik Sub-Menu seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Setelah di-klik maka akan Nampak daftar nama Indicatornya.

Ini baru sebagian saja yang saya tampilkan karena banyak gambarnya maka untuk lebih jelasnya bisa download di